Wednesday, December 9, 2015


capturing the mundane moments in our life appeals to me; always has.   so i challenged myself to take pictures of a typical day in our life as it is at this moment in time.  it wasn’t an exceptionally eventful day by any means, just another day with our newborn.  
it was a tuesday.

 breakfast!  most days if i get two cups of coffee i'm doing good; eating is overrated yet a necessary evil.  there is no time to eat yet i have to eat to produce milk.  sleep is the same.  uh oh, baby is squirming and grunting.  that only means one thing: i have about 60 seconds to get situated before my peanut explodes.  being hangry was obviously inherited from his mother. :(  (allie paws at her bowl, she also wants food.) 
this is my favorite time of the day - i refer to it as the sunrise feeding.  it's roughly 7/7:30 am but i could have easily started this post with bleary-eyed pictures from the 12:30 and 3 am feedings.  those feedings make me cringe - i literally fall asleep while being awake (have a baby, you'll understand).  he sleeps soundly after he eats at this time so i love to get my snuggles for a good hour or so before starting my day.
after snuggles, pumping, a quick workout, bottle cleaning and milk storing i literally have about 9 minutes before he wakes again to eat...sometimes more, sometimes less.  i start by brushing my teeth and doing my 'make-up'.  this picture is of my 'make-up'.  it's absolutely essential that i use the depuffer and mascara to hide my blood-shot eyes...and feel even remotely put together.  
it's also during this time that allie wants to play.  she feels starved for attention these days so i do my best to play with her any chance i can while carson sleeps.  she's a handful and often ends up barking and running into the rock-n-play making carson squirm.  again, i cringe.  i desperately need my last 5 minutes to start some laundry - the little guy has nearly run out of what he can actually wear. 
ahh baby laundry! before having the baby i had nostalgic thoughts about happily folding baby clothes and cheerfully matching outfits  ... then reality set in.  with any luck i'll get this pile folded before cody gets home.  forget about putting it away.
naturally allie needed to go out and come in and go out during the next feeding.  the baby is awake and pissed.  allie's timing is most impeccable.  this is only her fourth time out in the last two hours!  she'll continue at this frequency all day until cody gets home and then magically quit.  why am i such a sucker for this dog of ours?!

almost noon and it's time for a new outfit - this one has elbow patches and the cutest bear butt - swoon!  we'll need at least one more outfit before the day ends. three is our average.  i've lost track of what feeding we're on but, i know it's almost time for another.  i would have taken a picture of my lunch but most days it's either 1) peanut butter  and jelly (boring) or b) whatever leftover can be heated and ate while i pump.  (i hate pumping!) 
we've recently started doing tummy time and laying on our play mat.  i had no idea that you could literally sit and watch a baby and do nothing else yet be so completely content.  sometimes i make allie go outside for these times so that it's quiet...but then when i do he wants none of it.  i swear those two have a sixth sense for when i want to eat, sleep, or sit.
speaking of...i was going to nap at this time.  i always tell myself i'll nap after his late afternoon feeding.  it has yet to happen.  he was fussy this day so i wrapped him up and got sh*t done!  that laundry pile got folded and put away and i started the dishwasher.  this wrap is a lifesaver but, he's a little furnace so i decided to change into a t-shirt.  dumb!  he woke and was hungry, allie needed to go out and my phone was ringing...he got a cold bottle.  
well it's time to start thinking about supper.  i plan meals in advance and if it wasn't for that we would be eating pizza and pb&j every night.  until cody gets home i bring the rock-n-play into the kitchen and with one foot rocking him, one hand tugging with allie and the other either looking up a recipe or stirring a pot i fumble my way through meal prep.  when cody gets home i nearly have to restrain myself from tossing the baby into his arms before escaping to the gym or taking a shower.  ah a shower!  (my poor husband)  
after we eat it's time for daddy snuggles before we start the cycle over again with another bottle, assured outfit change, rocking, pumping, bottle washing, storing, and if i'm lucky a two-hour nap.   this is my reprieve but i'm too tired to even scroll or sleep.  allie needs to go out again.
despite the chaos of this phase someday i hope to look back fondly at these photos knowing that some of my best days were spent nurturing my newborn son.  i also hope that we can find humor in the trends and styles that will most definitely change and in my not-so-fine-tuned parenting skills! 

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