
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

happy birthday to my better half

marriage rarely finds two people strong at the same time. it is a husband and wife who take turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.
~ ashley willis

i've never really thought that the 'ups and downs' that most people refer to in sentimental statements about their significant others really applied to us, until recently.

fortunately, cody and i have a fantastic relationship and until a few weeks ago had never really experienced what i would call a 'down' time.  we have been very fortunate in that regard though we've been dealt our fair share of challenges over the years - some public, others not so much. it's all a matter of perspective i guess.   
i am a perpetual glass half full kind of gal.  however, since carson’s birth we have been handed a gigantic dose of reality and more challenges than i care to face at any one time.  after weeks in a hospital, thousands of dollars in vehicle repair, work responsibility beyond what’s reasonable, dog separation anxiety, and the demands of motherhood little things like our cable tv not working or constant carpooling were eating me up.  then when carson landed in the hospital for another week with bronchiolitis last month the weight of it all found me feeling the closest i’ve ever felt to being dejected and inconsolable.  

i felt as if it didn’t matter what i did i was failing at keeping it all together (a big deal for my personality!). i felt defeated and that i was losing myself in the day-to-day.  i was drowning under some unreasonable expectation to 'just keep swimming' - with a lipsticked smile, killer bod, a perfectly kept home, and dinner on the table by six each night.  i was increasingly anxious and irritable. i felt guilty for carson getting sick and like a terrible wife for not spending quality time with my husband when i fall asleep at 8:45 knowing that the evenings are now our only time to reconnect. 
 (nothing can prepare you for being a new mom.)

i can honestly say that the only reason i keep waking up each day with new resolve to make it a great one is because of my husband.  his love and support has been steadfast and his ability to step up to the plate as a dad and husband goes beyond what i ever expected.  he was quick to remind me of the blessings we have and that we were so close to crossing yet another hurdle with each new challenge.  if it weren’t for him i am not sure i would be coming out of this past month with as much renewed energy.  through times like this i know our marriage will be strengthened as long as at least one of us is always willing to be the rock at any given time.  my other half is most definitely my better half.

just my way of saying thanks, babe! happy birthday! love you!


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