
Sunday, November 1, 2015

a first halloween

seeing everyone’s halloween pictures reminds me that i now actually have a little one to enjoy this spooky holiday.  holidays in the NICU can be hard for parents, especially those with other children (or fur babies) since people under the age of 18 (and pets) aren’t allowed in the unit.  but with these challenges comes some incredibly compassionate support from others who have either experienced life in the NICU or have been touched by the recovery and release of a loved one. 

now, when i was told that i was going to have carson before halloween i half-jokingly said to the nurse and doctor ‘well, shoot! we didn’t get a halloween costume for the little guy.’  i love halloween and have always found joy in dressing up and passing out candy.  turns out i didn’t need to worry about carson’s first costume and halloween memories.  carson was thor this halloween.

as luck would have it a few prior NICU moms and nurses created several hero costumes, enough for all babies in the NICU (approximately 50+).  they took pictures, edited them all and provided copies to all of the parents.  cody picked the costume from a host of ‘heros’ and the message below was provided with our picture CD:

[these] adorable costumes for our super heros in the NICU were made because we truly believe that they are the strongest and most determined super heros. 
i couldn’t agree more!  life outside the womb is tough for a little one!  these women helped make carson’s first halloween a memorable one and later mommy and her frankenstiened baby read Room on the Broom.  

allie and chubbs celebrated the day too! 
best halloween of my life so far! 

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