
Thursday, April 2, 2015

what it's like to be married to a rational man

so here’s a post about what it's like to live with my spouse: an engineer by trade, a conservative, uber calm man by nature, and one of the most organized and collected people i’ve ever met.  previously i’ve mentioned that i adore my husband’s logical and realistic ways but, i should have also noted that these qualities they can drive me completely mad at times.  especially since i’m more the completely open and impulsive type.

-days later we finish conversations.  that’s because he usually needs time to process his thoughts.  really?! i just asked if you wanted to go to jimmy johns. :( 

-cody goes with the flow.  this works well since I’m generally more high-strung. in truth this makes my life more pleasant….as well as the lives of those around us. 

-he is not a gossiper so we don’t gossip. i like gossiping. i think it’s entertaining, if it’s not hurtful or unkind. it’s good bonding if you ask me. of course, i still share my opinions and ask for his but it’s generally a one-sided conversation. boring! 

-when we plan trips, or anything really, he makes sure all of the logistical bases are covered and leaves the fun stuff to me. major perk! 

-getting him to open up is like breaking into fort knox. the man is locked up tight….unless he’s in an uncharacteristically chatty mood.  chatty moods are rare but when they occur they can be hours long conversations. i generally grab a snack. 

-everything goes in a spreadsheet.  EVERYTHING! 

-ironically enough the only time my husband isn’t – all qualities listed above - is when it comes to the dog.  this is how i know he’ll make a good dad someday.

even if he pushes my buttons at times, i do love him. the end. xoxo

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